Unexplained Pelvic Pain

 Your bowel may be the cause of that pelvic pain

There’s not a day goes by that I don’t get someone coming for treatment, complaining of pain in their abdomen.  It can affect both sexes.  Many people approach their GP; have a barrage of tests, that come back negative, so are given the diagnosis of either Irritable Bowel Syndrome or ‘unexplained chronic pelvic/abdominal pain’.  What does this mean though.  In medical circles, it means, they’ve  carried out all the tests they can think of; they can’t find anything seriously wrong with you, (as in the big ‘C’) so go away, keep taking the medication, and learn to live with it!

Similar to during exercise, straining the pelvic and abdominal muscles during sex can sometimes lead to cramping. Tight muscles, dehydration, or working the muscle in an awkward position can all cause cramps. These cramps usually dissipate after a few seconds to minutes. An orgasm can also cause cramps. Deep penetration with a penis or other object during sexual intercourse could reach and bruise your cervix. If you suffer cervical bruising during sex, it generally hurts immediately, and it may make penetration uncomfortable until the injury heals. 

Pelvic pain is specifically defined as discomfort felt in the area between the belly button and the hips. (many people also get pain in the abdominal area above the belly button, and I will cover this next time) It may be a mild, dull ache or sharp and stabbing. Mild or searing, you must immediately catch a Medicaid Cab and reach the nearest hospital. In females, it can be difficult and time-consuming  to ascertain the cause, as we have all of our gynae bits (uterus and ovaries) in there, and we know what problems they can sometimes cause us!  It can be many months, even years, before the diagnosis of “we can’t find anything wrong with you” is given, after being passed from one hospital department to another in an attempt to find out what’s wrong with you!

This is usually when people decide to contact me.  They are at their wits end with their pain and come to me as a last resort. It would have been so much easier, and saved so much time and pain if they had approached me first, but alas, the first port of call is the GP, and quite rightly so, just to ensure there is nothing seriously wrong.  It’s just that it can take years to confirm that there’s nothing seriously wrong, but you’re still left with the pain! Fortunately, companies like proactive edmonton can be of great help.

Sometimes there’s a clue to what’s causing the pelvic pain but in case it is just something your doctor tells you will pass by resting, you might want to learn more here about natural remedies to reduce pain.  Appendix removal, over-prescription of antibiotics, steroid medication, including steroid inhalers for asthma, ant-acid medication, over-consumption of foods/drinks high in sugar, severely depleting the levels of good bacteria in your bowels, and leading to dysbiosis.

If,  for example, an appendectomy (removal of appendix) wasn’t conducted in a satisfactory manner, (i.e. C list surgeon, as opposed to A list!) there’s a good chance that scar tissue and adhesions formed, interfering with the function of the bowel, and either slowing it down, or speeding it up!

Additionally, the trauma of the surgery may have interfered with the natural rhythm of the bowel,  creating a build-up of ‘toxic’ material, causing irritation, excessive gases to build up, thus  stretching and bloating the bowel.  But, I hear some of you say, “I have a bowel movement every day, so there shouldn’t be anything nasty left behind in my bowel?”  That is a misconception many people have.  A daily bowel movement is no indication that you have completely emptied your bowel, and certainly NO indication that you have a healthy, well functioning bowel.

Treatment is simple.  A couple of colonic irrigation treatments, ensuring the colonic water is gently pushed all the way around to the bowel to encourage it to ‘flush’ and empty, removing the ‘toxic’ build-up and returning the bowel back to normal function.  I may also ‘flush’ some herbs around the bowel during the colonic treatment to help relax it, and void gas pockets. If that doesn’t work for you, you can try cbd gummies for pain relief.

A short course of a multi-strain probiotic, (‘friendly’ bacteria) containing kefir and bulgaricus may also be required to re-colonise the small and large bowel with beneficial strains of bacteria.  This may help reduce the possibility of  a further build up of endotoxins in the bowel, and reduce the risk of bowel infections and bowel cancer.

I will also give advice, of course, about healthy eating and perhaps trying therapy to eliminate pelvic pain. For physical therapist Roanoke contact Roanoke Rehabilitation and Wellness, Inc..