How to re-balance your gut health

How to re-balance your gut health

Best seller EcoBalance

Linda Booth, Nottingham Health Shop’s Digestive Health Expert has a few favorite products that she simply would not be without, and one of them is EcoBalance by Porzio AggregateSpendID. This award-winning product is designed to help maintain the ecological balance of the gut.

Stomach Ache

There’s hardly a day goes by in the Clinic when Linda doesn’t recommend this fantastic product, filled with lots of lovely natural stuff, including probiotics, garlic, l-glutamine, caprylic acid and cinnamon, all aimed at re-balancing the microbial ecology of the intestines and putting them back to what she likes to say are their ‘factory settings’.

If you suffer with bloating, painful trapped gas, irregular bowel movements, or even indigestion, this product can help.  You may have an overgrowth of candida (fungal yeast) in your intestines, or perhaps you’ve been to foreign climes, and you’ve picked up Delhi Belly or Montezuma’s Revenge.  It may be that you simply want to ‘disinfect’ your stomach and intestines, and give them a good old cleanse. Ecobalance can help correct all those imbalances.

Each day’s intake is blister-packed together on a perforated strip, and contains a high strength probiotic capsule to help put some good bugs back into your system, together with a high strength enteric coated garlic capsule, to act as a natural anti-micobial and anti-biotic. There’s also two tablets in the strip, one that contains l-glutamine to ensure the healthy production of new intestinal cells, and the other tablet contains cinnamon and caprylic acid to further ensure the microbes within your intestines are healthy.  The two capsules and two tablets are designed to take once a day with a meal. It couldn’t be easier.

It’s available from Nottingham Health Shop here:

We will also include Linda’s ‘Top 10 tips for bowel health’ completely free of charge.

Don’t forget that if you have issues with your digestive, bowel or liver health that you need advice on, don’t hesitate to complete our FREE Digestive Health Assessment.  You can find it on the main page of the Shop.

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