Viva-Mayr Clinic Trip Day 3

Up at 6.45 this morning, a quick shower, take my Epsom Salts and alkalising powders, then down for breakfast. Same as yesterday, dried buckwheat bread with some sheeps cheese and herbs.  Couldn’t eat it all, not at that time in the morning. I managed to finish the cheese but left some of the bread. I know I’m supposed to chew it at least 50 times, but not this morning, just couldn’t face it.

My first appointment was with Dr. Stossier. It was the Manual Abdominal Treatment (I will be having this every day whilst here) and an important part of the therapy at Viva. This is something I do with every single colon hydrotherapy treatment I give, so I was looking forward to being on the receiving end for a change, and getting the treatment from one of the Masters. Dr. Stossier has been voted one of the top 5 digestive doctors in the World.  The treatment is aimed at stimulating the blood circulation to the intestines, and draining toxicity through the lymphatic tissues in the intestines. It is a deep massage, and a little uncomfortable in places.  He found no real problems; a little spasticity, and a slight restriction in the ileo-cecal valve.

After that, it was still with Dr. Stossier, but my Applied Kinesiology (AK) session. This differs considerably from Kinesiology in the UK, as the AK involves putting the substances on the tongue, not in glass jars.  AK is a very accurate diagnostic tool.  I had previously told Dr. Stossier about my menopausal hot flushes and night sweats, so he proceeded to test me for all the herbs/vitamins/minerals used to treat menopause symptoms, including black cohosh, agnus castus. He also ruled out evening primrose and all the homeopathic menopausal remedies. He tested me for food allergies – none. He then tested my hormones, and picked up a deficiency of progesterone. He also picked up adrenal exhaustion. Not surprising the busy year I’ve had.  When he’d finished, he escorted me to medical reception, where I picked up a pot of natural progesterone cream that I have to massage into my inner arm or thigh, once a day. This will help with the hot flushes, night sweats, help prevent breast and endometrial cancer, strengthen my bones and help me use fat for energy, instead of it going on my hips!  Progesterone is also a natural anti-depressant. I also picked up a pot of Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and I have to take one capsule (500mg) daily with food. The Niacin is to help support my adrenals and hormones. It’s also good for supporting the liver.

My consultation with Dr. Stossier ended there and I went to see Maria, a registered nurse for a mineral analysis blood test. This was just a thumb-prick blood test.  I will have the results tomorrow, and Dr.Stossier will then decide if I need full spectrum blood work done.

I’d finished at medical for the day, so it was off to the Kneipp Department. If you don’t know what Kneipp is, I suggest you Google it.  Viva Mayr have a very modern, state of the art Kneipp Department, and it is manned by two very capable therapists, Laura and Lindsay.

I will be having three treatments here today, a herbal bath, a Body Detox Electrolysis Foot Bath and the Roeder Nasal Reflex Therapy. This is one of my favourite treatments here at Viva.

Kneipp treatments are all about using water as a therapeutic tool (hydrotherapy) and the Herbal Bath consists of lying in a large, deep bath that has lights impregnated on the inside that change colour. Laura, one of the Kneipp therapists asked if I would prefer Rose, Rosemary or Lavender bath salts, and I chose Rose. She then asked if I preferred a stimulating or gentle treatment, and I chose stimulating.  For the next 20 minutes I was pummelled with quite strong jets of water all over my body. It’s an invigorating treatment, but at the same time very relaxing.

It was then just a hop, skip and a jump to the room next door for my Body Detox Electrolysis Foot Bath. You put your feet in what looks like a foot spa, but this is no ordinary foot spa. This one is based on an electrophysical transfer of charges and during the treatment you feel a pleasant tingling in your feet. A voltage is generated via two electrodes, creating a flow of electricity and enables negative ions in the water resonate with the soles of the feet. The amount of electricity required isn’t a lot, because Utility Saving Expert was consulted with before designing the bath. To further facilitate this, saline waters are added as a conductor. The water gradually becomes a muddy brown colour as the 1,000’s and 1,000’s of sweat glands in the soles of the feet release the toxins, from the body,  into the water. Not without reason are the feet known as the body’s second pair of kidneys.

In general, excess acidity is reduced, and the treatment helps remove deposits in the blood vessels and promotes circulation. As a result, the organs function better, moods and sleep improve, the immune system becomes stronger, and signs of premature aging are reduced.  I am having this treatment almost daily.

My last treatment today is one of my favourites at Viva. It’s wonderful for sinus problems and headaches. It is the Roeder Nasal Reflex Therapy. The Kneipp therapist uses a Q-tip, dipped in oil of rosemary, chamomile, sage, eucalpytus and mint, and inserts it into each nostril three times, stimulating three particular reflex points.  The Q-tip remains inserted at the first reflex point for approx 2 minutes, then the therapist re-positions it a second, then a third time. She then does the other nostril.  It sounds painful, but it isn’t at all.  It helps with headaches, migraines, it stimulates circulation to the head and eyes, helps with snoring, clears your head and improves nasal breathing.

It’s 9.30 now and the Doctors usually like you in bed by this time, having taken your fourth drink of alkalising powder, and with your liver pack on, so I’ll say night night for now. Catch you tomorrow.

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